Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Literature and Lives Ch. 3

I liked how the feminist theory was approached by Webb much better than how Appleman went about it. I think that bringing up gender issues related to feminism is a much easier way for students to be able to compare them to their lives. This doesn't mean that i think using feminist theory shouldn't be used in traditional text, but i think that gender issues are easier for students to relate to because that way they are not just focusing on the women in stories and how they are treated, or mistreated. Webb's example of this is in the book Macbeth, and i think that this is a wonderful way to do this because it isn't focusing on Lady Macbeth, but on Macbeth himself and how he traps himself with his masculine actions. I also think that since feminism is a gender issue it only makes sense that they should be brought up together. I am also glad to see that Webb brought up gay and lesbian studies as well in this chapter, because it goes along with the gender issues becuase i think that these are all issues that do bring up a lot of controversy, which as Webb states "serves as a stimulus to learning".

1 comment:

Sara D said...

I agree completely about the gay and lesbian studies. I never really thought about how it related so much to gender issues, but now I can see how they are related. Although gay and lesbain studies is controversial, I think that there is soon to be a turning point in education especially sice the gay community is more socially accepted now than ever before. Keep your fingers crossed because I think these studies are important and can be a great learning experience for the students and us as educators.